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EXEC Interpreter

&STACK STATEMENT                                                 EXEC statement

Use the &STACK control statement to stack a single data line in the console
stack.  Stacked lines may be read by the EXEC, by CMS, by the CMS editor, or
by other programs.  The format of the &STACK control statement is:
| &STACK    | [FIFO|LIFO] [tok1 [tok2 ... [tokn]]|HT|RT]                      |

FIFO     specifies that the line is to be stacked in a first in, first out
         sequence.  FIFO is the default.

LIFO     specifies that the line is to be stacked in a last in, first out

tok1 [tok2 ... [tokn]]
         specify the tokens to be stacked.  If no tokens are specified, a null
         line is stacked.  The tokens are in expanded form.

HT       stacks the CMS Immediate command HT (halt typing), which is executed
         immediately.  All CMS terminal display from the EXEC, except for CMS
         error messages with a suffix letter of "S" or "T," is suppressed until
         the end of the file or until an RT (resume typing) command is read.

RT       stacks the CMS Immediate command RT (resume typing), which is executed
         immediately.  If CMS terminal display has been suppressed as the
         result of an HT (halt typing) request, display is resumed.

Usage Notes:

1.  Lines stacked with the &STACK control statement are scanned by the EXEC
    interpreter and variable symbols are substituted before the line is
    stacked.  To stack one or more unscanned lines, use the &BEGSTACK or
    &BEGSTACK ALL control statement.

2.  You must use the &STACK control statement when you want to stack a null

3.  The commands SET CMSTYPE HT and SET CMSTYPE RT perform the same functions
    as &STACK HT and &STACK RT.

4.  To stack an equal sign, you must assign it to an EXEC variable ("&A = =",
    for example) and use the result with the &STACK control word (&STACK &A).
ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/stack.helpexc.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator