CMS Commands
- tag.helpcmd.txt
TAG CP Privilege Class: G Use the TAG command to associate descriptive information with a VM/370 spool file or output unit record device. The format of the TAG subcommand is: +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | TAg | DEv|Printer|PUnch|CONsole|vaddr [tagtext] | | | FILe spoolid [tagtext] | | | QUery DEv|Printer|PUnch|CONsole|vaddr FILE spoolid | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ where: DEv Printer | PUnch | CONsole | vaddr specifies a spooling device whose output is to be associated with the tag information or whose tag information is to be queried. Note: When a generic device name, such as PRINTER or CONSOLE is used in the TAG command, all current virtual devices of that type are affected. FIle spoolid specifies a previously closed spool file whose tag information is to be replaced or queried. This form of the TAG command can be used for spool files that are on your reader, printer, or punch queues. The spoolid operand is the spool file identification, a number between 1 and 9900 and assigned by CP when the spool file was closed. tagtext is the information (up to 136 characters in length, including imbedded blanks) that is to be associated with the specified spool device or spool file. The contents and format of this data is completely flexible and is the responsibility of the file originator and the end user. Certain control and addressing information meaningful to RSCS can be specified in this field. For details on how to use the tagtext operand when transmitting files across the RSCS network, refer to the Usage notes. QUery DEv | Printer | PUnch | CONsole | vaddr FILE spoolid displays, at your terminal, the current tag information associated with a given virtual device or spool file. The operands used with the TAG QUERY command correspond to the operands used with TAG itself. Usage notes: 1. The RSCS control program interprets the tag information as being addressing and control parameters. When you spool a file to the RSCS virtual machine to be transmitted to a remote station, code the tagtext operand as follows: locid (userid) (priority) where: locid is the location identifier (one to eight alphameric characters) of the location to which the file is being transmitted. Your system programmer can give you the locids of remote stations accessible to your virtual machine. userid is the userid of the VM/370 virtual machine (a 1- to 8-character user identification) to which a file is being transmitted. This operand is used by remote stations when they transmit files to a virtual machine in a remote spooling network and want the files sent to a particular VM/370 virtual machine. You can ignore this operand if you are not specifying a priority. However, if you are specifying a priority, you must code some userid operand; it is ignored in a remote spooling network. priority is the requested transmission priority, a decimal number between 0 and 99. The highest transmission priority is 0, next highest is 1, and so on. If you wish to specify this operand, you must also specify a userid operand. 2. If you enter the TAG command with no tagtext information, the tag area associated with the device or file is set to all blanks. 3. A spool file that you have created and spooled to another virtual machine is owned by the other user as soon as the file is closed. If you want to query or change the tag data, you must first reclaim the file via the TRANSFER command. 4. Although the buffer that contains TAG information is 136 characters in length including imbedded blanks, only 126 characters of it are usable because of input command line limitations. 5. The following spool file types cannot be tagged: o Monitor files o Accounting files o Dump files o Real card reader (input files) 6. The TAG command works only on files that are not currently in use. Responses TAG QUERY DEV PRINTER ¦ PUNCH ¦ CONSOLE Displays the contents of the tags associated with each device of the specified class, as follows: PRT ¦ PUN ¦ CONS vaddr TAG: tagtext......... repeated for each device in the specified class. TAG QUERY DEV vaddr Displays the contents of the tag associated with the specified device, as follows: PRT ¦ PUN ¦ CONS vaddr TAG: tagtext.......... if tag data exists. TAG NOT SET if the TAG command was never issued to that device. TAG QUERY FILE spoolid Displays the contents of the tag associated with the specified file, as follows: tagtext.......... if tag data exists. (TAG BLANK) if the tag is all blanks. (TAG MISSING) if the file did not contain a tag because it was either an input file from the real card reader or was an output file generated prior to VM/370 Release 2 PLC 11.
ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/tag.helpcmd.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator