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CMS Commands

TAPE                                                      CMS Transient command

Use the TAPE command to dump CMS-formatted files from disk to tape, load
previously dumped files from tape to disk, and perform various control
operations on a specified tape drive.  Files processed by the TAPE command must
be in a unique CMS format.  The TAPE command does not process multivolume
files.  Disk files to be dumped can contain either fixed- or variable-length
records.  The format of the TAPE command is:
| TAPE     | DUMP fn|* ft|* [fm|*] [(optionA optionB optionD[)]]              |
|          | LOAD [fn|* ft|* [fm|A]] [(optionB optionC optionD[)]]            |
|          | SCAN [fn|* ft|*] [(optionB optionC optionD[)]]                   |
|          | SKIP [fn|* ft|*] [(optionB optionC optionD[)]]                   |
|          | MODESET [(optionD[)]]                                            |
|          | tapcmd [1|n] [(optionD[)]                                        |
|          |                                                                  |
|          | optionA:  NOWTM|WTM                                              |
|          | optionB:  Term|NOPRint|PRint|DISK                                |
|          | optionC:  EOF 1|EOF n|EOT                                        |
|          | optionD:  TAP1|TAPi|181|cuu [7TRACK|9TRACK] [DEN den] [TRTCH a]  |

DUMP fn ft [fm]
         dumps one or more disk files to tape.  If fn and/or ft is specified as
         an asterisk (*) all files that satisfy the other file identifier are

         If fm is coded as a letter, that disk and its extensions are searched
         for the specified file(s).  If fm is coded as a letter and number,
         only files with that mode number and letter (and the extensions of the
         disk referenced by that fm letter) are dumped.  If fm is coded as
         asterisk (*), all accessed disks are searched for the specified
         file(s).  If fm is not specified, only the A-disk and its extensions
         are searched.

LOAD [fn ft [fm | A]]
         reads tape files onto disk.  If a file identifier is specified, only
         that one file is loaded.  If the option EOF n is specified and no file
         identifier is entered, n tape files are written to disk.  If an
         asterisk (*) is specified for fn or ft, all files within EOF n that
         satisfy the other file identifier are loaded.

         The files are written to the disk indicated by the filemode letter.
         The filemode number, if entered, indicates that only files with that
         filemode number are to be loaded.

SCAN [fn ft]
         positions the tape at a specified point, and lists the identifiers of
         the files it scans.  Scanning occurs over n tape marks, as specified
         by the option EOF n (the default is 1 tape file).  However, if a file
         identifier (fn and ft) is specified, scanning stops upon encountering
         that file; the tape remains positioned ahead of the file.

SKIP [fn ft]
         positions the tape at a specified point and lists the identifiers of
         the files it skips.  Skipping occurs over n tape marks, as specified
         by the option EOF n (the default is 1 tape mark).  However, if a file
         identifier (fn and ft) is specified, skipping stops after encountering
         that file; the tape remains positioned immediately following the file.

MODESET  sets the values specified by the DEN, TRACK, and TRTCH options if the
         tape is at load point.  After initial specification in a TAPE command,
         these values remain in effect for the virtual tape device until they
         are changed in a subsequent TAPE command.

tapcmd [1 | n]
         specifies a tape control function (tapcmd) to be executed n times
         (default is 1 if n is not specified). These functions also work on
         tapes in a non-CMS format.  'tapcmd' may be:
            BSF       Backspace n tape marks
            BSR       Backspace n tape records
            ERG       Erase a defective section of the tape
            FSF       Forward-space n tape marks
            FSR       Forward-space n tape records
            REW       Rewind tape to load point
            RUN       Rewind tape and unload
            WTM       Write n tape marks


If conflicting options are specified, the last one entered is in effect.

WTM      separates files with one tape mark when multiple files are dumped.
         One tape mark is written after each file that is dumped.  After the
         last file, two tape marks are written to indicate the end-of-tape
         (EOT).  Subsequent files write over the second tape mark.

         When a single file is dumped, two tape marks are written after the
         file.  Subsequent files write over the second tape mark.

         WTM should be distinguished from TAPE WTM n, which writes the number
         of tape marks specified by n.

NOWTM    does not separate files with tape marks when multiple files are
         dumped.  After the last file, two tape marks are written to indicate
         the end-of-tape (EOT).  Subsequent files write over both tape marks.
         NOWTM is the default.

         When a single file is dumped, two tape marks are written after the
         file.  Subsequent files write over both tape marks.

NOPRint  does not spool the list of files dumped, loaded, scanned, or skipped
         to the printer.

PRint    spools the list of files dumped, loaded, scanned, or skipped to the

Term     displays a list of files dumped, loaded, scanned, or skipped at the

DISK     creates a disk file containing the list of files dumped, loaded,
         scanned, or skipped.  The disk file has the file identification of
         TAPE MAP A5.

EOT      reads the tape until an end-of-tape indication is received.

EOF 1 | n
         reads the tape through a maximum of n tape marks.  The default is EOF

TAPn 18n specifies the symbolic tape identification (TAPn) or the actual device
         address of the tape to be read from or written to, where n is 0 to F,
         corresponding to devices 180-187 and 288-28F.  The default is TAP1 or
         181.  The unit specified by cuu must previously have been attached to
         your CMS virtual machine before any tape I/O operation can be

7TRACK   specifies a 7-track tape.  Odd parity, data convert on, and translate
         off are assumed unless TRTCH is specified.

9TRACK   specifies a 9-track tape.

DEN den  is the tape density where den is 200, 556, 800, 1600, or 6250.  If 200
         or 556 is specified, 7TRACK is assumed.  If 1600 or 6250 is specified,
         9TRACK is assumed; if 800 is specified, 9TRACK is assumed unless
         7TRACK is specified.  In the case of either 800/1600 or 1600/6250
         dual-density drives, 1600 is the default.

TRTCH a  is the tape recording technique for 7-track tape.  If TRTCH is
         specified, 7TRACK is assumed.  One of the following must be specified
         as "a":
            O    Odd parity, data convert off, translate off
            OC   Odd parity, data convert on, translate off
            OT   Odd parity, data convert off, translate on
            E    Even parity, data convert off, translate off
            ET   Even parity, data convert off, translate on

Usage notes:

1.  The tape records written by the CMS TAPE DUMP command are 805 bytes long.
    The first byte in the tape header is a binary 2 (X'02').  The next three
    bytes contain CMS, followed by a blank byte, followed by 800 bytes of file
    data packed without regard for logical record length.  In the final record,
    the character N replaces the blank after CMS, and the data area contains
    CMS file directory information.

2.  If a tape file contains more CMS files than would fit on a disk, the tape
    load operation may terminate if there is not enough disk space to hold the
    files.  To prevent this, when you dump the files, separate logical files by
    tape marks, then forward space to the appropriate file.

3.  Because the CMS file directory is the last record of the file, the TAPE
    command creates a separate workfile so that backspacing and rereading can
    be avoided when the disk file is built.  If the load criteria is not
    satisfied, the workfile is erased; if it is satisfied, the workfile is
    renamed.  This workfile is named TAPE CMSUT1, which may exist if a previous
    TAPE command has abnormally terminated.  If the work file is accidentally
    dumped to tape and subsequently loaded, it appears on your disk as TAPE

4.  The RUN option (rewind and unload) indicates completion before the physical
    operation is completed.  Thus, a subsequent operation to the same physical
    device may encounter a device busy situation.


DMSTPF701I    Null file
   A final record was encountered and no prior records were read in a  TAPE
   LOAD operation.  No file is created on disk.

If the TERM option is in effect, the following is displayed at the terminal
depending on the operation specified:
      fn ft fm
       .  .  .
       .  .  .
       .  .  .
      fn ft fm
       .  .  .
       .  .  .
       .  .  .
      fn ft fm
       .  .  .
       .  .  .
       .  .  .
      fn ft fm
       .  .  .
       .  .  .
       .  .  .

When a tape mark is encountered, the following is displayed at the terminal if
the TERM option is specified:  END-OF-FILE OR END-OF-TAPE
ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/tape.helpcmd.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator