CMS Commands
- tappds.helpcmd.txt
TAPPDS CMS Transient command Use the TAPPDS command to create CMS disk files from tapes that are used as input to or output from the following OS utility programs: o IEBPTPCH: tape files must be the result of an IEBPTPCH punch operation from either a sequential or partitioned data set in OS. The default attributes (IEBPTPCH DCB) must have been issued: DCB=(RECFM=FA,LRECL=81,BLKSIZE=81) o IEBUPDTE: tape files may be blocked or unblocked and must be in the format accepted by IEBUPDTE as "control data set" (SYSIN) input with a control statement ./ ADD... preceding the records to be placed in each partitioned data set member (OS) or separate CMS file (CMS)). o IEHMOVE: unloaded partitioned data sets are read. The tape can contain OS standard labels or be unlabeled. The format of the TAPPDS command is: +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | TAPPDS | [fn|* [ft|* [A1|fm|*]]] [(options...[)]] | | | options: | | | [PDS|NOPDS|UPDATE] [NOCOL1|COL1] [TAP1|TAPn] | | | [NOEND|END] [NOMAXTEN|MAXTEN] | +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ where: fn is the filename of the disk file to be created from the sequential tape file. If the tape contains members of a partitioned data set (PDS), fn must be specified as an asterisk (*); one file is created for each member with a filename the same as the member name. If NOPDS or UPDATE is specified and you do not specify fn or specify it as an asterisk (*), the default filename is TAPPDS. ft is the filetype of the newly created files. The default filetypes are CMSUT1 (for PDS or NOPDS) and ASSEMBLE (for UPDATE). The defaults are used if ft is omitted or specified as *. fm is the mode of the disk to contain the new files. If this field is omitted or specified as an asterisk (*), A1 is assumed. Options: If conflicting options are specified, the last one entered is the one that is used. All options, except TAPn, are ignored when unloaded (IEHMOVE) PDS tapes are read. PDS indicates that the tape contains members of an OS partitioned data set, each preceded by a MEMBER NAME=name statement. The tape must have been created by the OS IEBPTPCH service program if this option is specified. NOPDS indicates that the contents of the tape will be placed in one CMS file. UPDATE indicates that the tape file is in IEBUPDTE control file format. The filename of each file is taken from the NAME= parameter in the "./ ADD" record that precedes each member. (See Usage Note 2.) COL1 reads data from columns 1-80. You should specify this option when you use the UPDATE option. NOCOL1 reads data from columns 2-81; column 1 contains control character information. This is the format produced by the OS IEBPTPCH service program. TAPn specifies the symbolic name of the tape, where n is 0 to F, corresponding to devices 180-187 and 288-28F. The default is TAP1. END considers an END statement (characters 'END ' in columns 2-5) a delimiter for the current member. NOEND specifies that END statements are not to be treated as member delimiters, but are to be processed as text. This is the default. MAXTEN reads up to ten members. This is valid only if the PDS option is selected. NOMAXTEN reads any number of members. Usage notes: 1. You can use the TAPE command to position a tape at a particular tape file before reading it with the TAPPDS command. If the tape has OS standard labels, TAPDDS will read and display the "VOL1" and "HDR" records at the terminal. If the file you want to process is not at the beginning of the tape, the TAPE command must be used to position the tape at a particular tape file before reading it with the TAPPDS command. Be aware that each file on an OS standard label tape is actually three physical files (HDR, DATA, TRAILER). If positioning to other than the first file, you must skip more physical tape files (3n-3 if positioning to the header labels, 3n-2 if positioning to the data file, where n is the number of the file on the tape). 2. If you use the UPDATE option, you must also specify the COL1 option. Each tape record is scanned for a "./ ADD" record beginning in column 1. When a "./ ADD" record is found, subsequent records are read onto disk until the next "./ ADD" record is encountered or until a "./ ENDUP" record is encountered. A "./ ENDUP" record or a tape mark ends the TAPPDS command execution; the tape is not repositioned. "./ label" records are not recognized by CMS and are included in the file as data records. If the NAME= parameter is missing on the "./ ADD" record or if it is followed by a blank, TAPPDS uses the default filename, TAPPDS, for the CMS disk file. If this happens more than once during the execution of the command, only the last unnamed member is contained in the TAPPDS file. 3. If you are reading a macro library from a tape created by the IEHMOVE utility, you can create a CMS MACLIB file directly by using the TAPEMAC command. Responses: DMSTPD703I FILE 'fn ft [fm]' COPIED The named file is copied to disk. DMSTPD707I TEN FILES COPIED The MAXTEN option was specified and ten members have been copied. Note: If the tape being read contains standard OS labels, the labels are displayed at the terminal.
ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/tappds.helpcmd.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator