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DEBUG Commands

X                                                              DEBUG subcommand

Use the X subcommand to examine and display the contents of specific locations
in virtual storage.

The format of the X (examine) subcommand is:
| X        | symbol [length|n]                                                |
|          | hexloc [4|n]                                                     |

symbol n
         is the name assigned (via the DEFINE subcommand) to the storage
         address of the first byte to be displayed.  n is a decimal number from
         1 to 56 inclusive, that specifies the number of bytes to be examined.
         If a symbol is specified without a second operand, the length
         attribute associated with that symbol in the debug symbol table
         specifies the number of bytes to be examined.

hexloc n
         is the hexadecimal location, in relation to the current origin, of the
         first byte to be examined.  If hexloc is specified without a second
         operand, four bytes are displayed.

Usage Note:

The address represented by symbol or hexloc must be within your virtual machine
storage size.
ibm/vm370-lib/cmshelp/x.helpdbg.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:36 by Site Administrator