Table of Contents
- Fixes Applied : 0
- This Source Date : Thursday, November 6, 2008
- Last Fix ID : [Unmodified]
Source Listing
- MACRO 00001000
- USERSAVE &SECT 00002000
- PUSH PRINT 00003000
- AIF ('&SYSPARM' NE 'SUP').ACC01 00004000
- PRINT OFF,NOGEN 00005000
- .ACC01 ANOP 00006000
- AIF ('&SECT' EQ 'CSECT').CSECT 00007000
- AGO .CONT 00009000
- .CSECT ANOP 00010000
- * The user save area is passed to programs via R13. 00012000
- USERSAVE DS 0D user save area 00013000
- .CONT ANOP 00014000
- DS 12D reserved for user 00011000
- USERSIZE EQU *-USERSAVE size of reserved area 00015000
- USERINFO DS D information passed to user 00016000
- USECTYP DS X CALLTYP value 00017000
- USEUFLG DS X UFLAGS value 00018000
- DS 2X reserved for IBM use 00019000
- USEMFLG DS X miscellaneous bits 00020000
- DS 3X reserved for IBM use 00021000
- USERSAVL EQU (*-USERSAVE+7)/8 00022000
- USECMS EQU X'80' invoked by CMSCALL 00023000
- USEA31 EQU X'40' caller's AMODE is 31 00024000
- USESCBLK EQU X'20' SCBLOCK is available in R2 00025000
- USEPLIST EQU X'10' extended PLIST available in R0 00026000
- * only valid if invoked by CMSCALL 00027000
- USEAR EQU X'08' caller was in AR-mode at CMSCALL 00028000
- POP PRINT 00029000
- MEND 00030000
ibm/vm370-lib/macro/usersave.macro_src.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/06 13:38 by Site Administrator