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Numbering Vocabulary Words

Suppose the student is encouraged to ask questions such as “What is the capital of Alabama?” or “What is the area of Alaska?” A compact and powerful way to handle all the states is to specify a vocabulary class (“state”) and number the various states. For example:

define st=v1 vocabs inquiry <What,is,the,of> (state, Alabama=1, Alaska=-2, Arizona=3,......) capital, area • • • concept capital of state,st⇐state writec st,,,Montgomery,Juneau,Phoenix concept area of state,st⇐state writec st-2↕51,609↕586,400↕113,909↕..... write sq. mi.

If the student asks “What is the capital of Alaska?” the first -concept- is matched (“capital of state”), and variable “st” is assigned the value “2”, since “Alaska” was given the value “2” in the vocabulary. Now “st” can be used in the following -writec- to tell the student the name of the capital (Juneau). Similarly, if the student asks “What is the area of Arizona”, the second -concept- is matched, “st” is assigned the value “3”, and the student is given the reply “113,909 sq. mi.”

We can go even further. Consider this altered version, in which the two -concept-s are combined:

define st=v1,prop=v2 vocabs inquiry <What,is,the,of> (state, Alabama=1, Alaska=-2, Arizona=3,.......) (property, capital=1, area =2) • • • concept capital of state,st⇐state,prop⇐property writec st,,,Montgomery,Juneau,Phoenix concept area of state,st⇐state writec 2(state-1)+(prop-1)↕Montgomery↕51,609 Juneau↕586,400↕Phoenix↕113,909↕..... writec prop=2↕ sq. mi.↕↕

Suppose the student asks about “the area of Alabama”. The -concept- is matched, “st” is assigned the value “1”, and “prop” is assigned the value “2”. The expression “2(state-1)+(prop-1)” reduces to “2(0)+1” or “1”, which picks out “51,609” from the first -writec-. Since “prop” does equal “2”, the second -writec- will write “sq. mi.” on the screen beside the area number. (It would be good practice for you to determine the steps that would be taken if the student asked about “the capital of Arizona.”)

Synonyms, phrases, and endings can be numbered, as in this -vocabs- entry:

(verbs, walk=1/ed=2, stroll=1/ed=2, went*past=3)

According to this numbering scheme, “walk” and “stroll” are number 1 among the “verbs,” “walked” and “strolled” are number 2, and the phrase “went past” is number 3.

The -judge- Command

plato/tutor/numbering_vocabulary_words.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/05 18:55 by Site Administrator