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Version 5.6.1

Installation and User's Guide

This version describes the distribution contained within the CYBIS Release 1 bundle.

It is based on the “Hunter” version of the project.


Tom Hunter's repository was established using the now-defunct svn2github service. Because this instance no longer has any other active source, the file has been created as an alternative source of the final version for storage/access on this site. Because the history may be important to some, was also created as a static reproduction of the repository.


by Tom Hunter

The Desktop Cyber Emulator is the result of a project which brought back to life the revolutionary design of Control Data Corporation (CDC) Cyber mainframes. The first CDC Cyber's have been designed and built by a small team headed by Seymour Cray at CDCs Chippewa Falls labs in the early 1960s. The Desktop Cyber is emulating CDC Cyber mainframes and peripherals in software.

The software provides a reasonable emulation of a “typical” CDC Cyber 6600, 7x, 17x based system including common peripherals such as console, tape and disk drives, extended core storage, card reader, printer and terminal multiplexer.

The emulator runs the following CDC operating systems: Chippewa OS, SMM, KRONOS 2.1, NOS 1.2, NOS 1.3, NOS 1.4, NOS 2.2 and NOS 2.8.1. The emulator does not support NOS/VE, which requires virtual mode only available in Cyber 180s.

The emulator is implemented in ANSI C and runs under:

  • Microsoft Windows (7 and Above)
  • most modern UNIX systems with X11 and POSIX threads - for example: (Red Hat Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Solaris, MacOS X and Cygwin)

I have created this emulator in the hope that it will create renewed interest in CDC Cyber mainframes and that it helps to preserve our quickly vanishing computing history. I also hope that it will have enough momentum to grow by the efforts of other enthusiasts.

This text attempts to give you an overview on how to install, configure and operate the Desktop Cyber Emulator with a few example CDC operating systems.

Copyright © 2003 Tom Hunter


cdc/dtcyber/v5.6.1/start.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/05 18:18 by Site Administrator