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Starting and Ending an Interactive CYBIS Session

Starting PTerm

To start interactive CYBIS sessions launch the CYBIS/PLATO terminal emulation (Pterm). It will prompt you for the connection parameters:

Change the “Host name” parameter from “” to to connect to your local host. Make sure that the “Port” parameter is 8005 (this is the TCP port number on which Desktop CYBER is expecting connections for CYBIS). PTERM will remember the new IP address for subsequent sessions.

Finally click on “Connect” to establish a Pterm session to CYBIS. After a few seconds the Pterm screen changes to the CYBIS login screen.

Logging-in to CYBIS

The CYBIS login screen prompts you for a valid user name, group and password:

The following administrator type users are already setup in Group “s” with user names: “admin”, “admin1”, “admin2” and “admin3”. Additionally there are also the following author type users available in Group “author” with user names: “author”, “author1”, “author2” and “author3”. The author type users are all under account “cybdeva”. All of these users have the same password “passme”. The ultimate super user is “admin” which owns and has access to everything on this CYBIS system. To login enter one of these user names and then follow the prompts to enter the associated Group name and the password. To see the list of keyboard mappings for all PLATO/CYBIS special keys click on “Help” on the menu bar and then select “Pterm keyboard”.

For an administrator type account (Group “s”) you will be presented with the following “System Mode” screen:

For an author type account (Group “author”) you will be presented with the following “Author Mode” screen:

In either mode you can run most CYBIS lessons. “System Mode” has some additional privileges and is required for some system maintenance and operator tasks (e.g. CYBIS shutdown or creation of new accounts).

Logging-out of CYBIS

To end a CYBIS terminal session press SHIFT-STOP to end the currently running CYBIS application if necessary and then press SHIFT-STOP again to logout from the current session:

If you press NEXT on this screen it will take you back to the original CYBIS login screen. Waiting too long appears to trigger a bug in Pterm (or CYBIS) causing it to no longer respond to the NEXT key so that the CYBIS login screen won’t reappear. In this case simply close the Pterm window and start a new instance of it.

plato/operation.r1/session.start.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/15 12:28 by William Schaub