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Build CYBIS Binaries

It is not possible to build CYBIS in an interactive terminal session. Instead to perform a build of CYBIS modules you have to use the NOS console (i.e. DIS). The full build of all CYBIS modules takes about 15 minutes with Desktop CYBER running on an Intel Core I5-6400 with a clock speed of 2.7 GHz.

Enter the following console commands:

CDC Terminal
X.DIS. USER,PLATO,PASSME. GET,XSES. XSES. . (the full stop or period enters AUTO mode and starts processing) GET,BALL871. BALL871. . (enters AUTO mode and start processing)

Be patient or even better go out for lunch.

Once the build has finished the binaries are available as the following direct access permanent files under user β€œplato”:

  • CBIN
  • FBIN
  • MBIN
  • PBIN
  • KRMDBIN (debug version of PNI)
  • UBIN

For testing these binaries can be inserted into the running system using SYSEDIT (shut down CYBIS first). Use LIBEDIT to create a new deadstart tape.

The build PROC for PNI is BPNI871.

Continue to Interactive Terminal Access to NOS

plato/operation.r1/build.cybis.binaries.txt Β· Last modified: 2023/08/14 12:46 by Site Administrator