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Installing the CYBIS Package

  1. Go to the CODEX and navigate to CYBISRelease1. Refer to the SHA-256 Checksums section which contains a hash for the files to give some reassurance that the files have not been corrupted during transfer. Check the hash for all subsequently downloaded files.
  2. Download the package and unzip it on a drive with at least 8 GB free disk space. The package contains a NOS 2.8.7 deadstart tape image with CYBIS, disk images, an empty directory for persisting memory images and the Desktop CYBER 5.5.0 initialization file cyber.ini.
  3. There are pre-built binaries of Desktop CYBER 5.5.0 for Windows, Linux or MacOS X. If your system matches either of these download the package and copy the appropriate binary into the CybisRelease1 directory.
  4. If none of the supplied binaries are suitable, download the package. Extract the sources and build an emulator binary from scratch.
  5. Install a version of the PLATO/CYBIS terminal emulator.
    • There are two options:
      1. Download from the the CODEX page and run the appropriate installation program for your platform (Windows Linux or MacOS X).
      2. Get the latest version from
plato/operation.r1/installing.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/08/14 12:46 by Site Administrator