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NOS2 Guides
BT Federal has given permission to freely use and share CDC material. This permission is not limited to Controlfreaks members, but includes any hobbyists, researchers and museums. The only restriction is that this material can't be used commercially. Previous time limits no longer apply.
Bitsavers Document | Scan Date | Size |
DesignOfAComputer_CDC6600.pdf | 2002-10-30 19:25 | 18M |
Grishman_CDC6000AsmLangPgmg.pdf | 2002-06-04 13:16 | 8.6M |
Some of us 'grew-up with' or 'grew because of' some rare experiences we shared together at the University of Illinois / Computer-Based Education Research Laboratory (CERL).
There, through the talents of many disciplines and brilliant minds, was the home of the PLATO project. Although I don't claim anywhere near the depth of experience and expertise of those whom I will credit below, I learned a LOT from MANY of them and owe them (and many others) a debt of gratitude for the values and technology they all taught me.
cdc/nos2/start.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/11/25 19:04 by Site Administrator